…Exemplarische Beifall fur eine exemplarische Auffuhrung…
–Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munchen Karl Schumann
“Her playing of Chopin’s great Sonata in B-flat Minor was many splendored and totally absorbing. Her interpretation of Liszt was stunning”
– New York Post, Robert Kimball
“Yesterday’s program reflected Ms.Kersenbaum’s strengths in Romantic repertoire, where her imagination made fascinanting aural experiences. Liszt’s ‘Funérailles’ and ‘Mephisto Waltz’ benefited from Ms.Kersenbaum’s knowledge of how to create and maintain atmosphere. Ms.Kersenbaum built this sprawling work into a cohesive tone poem for piano. One shivered a little during her performance, which testified to her success.”
– Journal, Louisville Courier
“Her playing here suggest that beyond an assured technique she regards music as a language: her phrasing ‘speaks.’”
– London, The GRAMOPHONE
“Not for a very long time has the genius of Choping been served with such science combined with an ideal spontaneity.”
– Harmonie, Paris
“Sylvia Kersenbaum was the brilliant soloist (San Francisco Symphony debut). Her skills and musical spirit, in the Tchaikovsky Concerto No.2, swep freely over the length and breadth of the piano.”
– San Francisco Examiner, Alexander Fried
“Anyone who can make the fugue in Brahms’s Handel. Variations sounds like easy music is worth hearing just for that. This is what Sylvia Kersenbaum did in her Wigmore Hall reciltal to round off a clear-textured and lively performance, she is worth hearing for more than her dashing finguers, however; she is gifted with great naturalness and freshness, which found their most satisfactory outlet in Schubert’s sonata in A (D664) and a Mendelssohn encore.”
– LondonThe Times, Richard Maylan
“…personalité puissante, Magnifique intérprete de Chopin.”
– Le Figaro- Paris, Jacqueline Thuilleux
“Luego de haberle escuchado las 32 sonatas de Beethoven tan esclarecedoras como fascinantes y después de oírle un Schubert y un Brahms de definitíva grandeza, está recorrída por el Chopin más polaco confirma la estatura de esta pianista y de esta intérprete, de nivel absolutamente excepcional, que será siempre esperada en Montevideo”
– El País Montevideo, Uruguay, Washington Roldán
“Reveló por si sola hasta qué puntó Silvia Kersenbaum está compenetrada de la sustancia del mensaje beethoveniano de su extraordinaria complejidad expositiva, hecho que la audiencia recibió con una aclamación. Al termino se añadieron dos movimientos de la sonata Op.31 Nº3.”
– La Nacion, Argentína, Héctor Coda